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Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Carbon neutral

Charitable support

Equality, diversion and inclusion

Human rights and equality

We have started our journey to becoming a carbon neutral company by partnering with Switch2Zero, an enterprise that helps businesses to become a Climate Positive Workforce.

This means we now:

  • Offset the entire carbon footprint of all our team, including emissions from homes, personal travel, food, and hobbies

  • Offset all business travel

  • Plant trees and finance carbon reduction projects around the world

  • Support projects for plastic waste removal

We support two charities, both delivering important social value change into the community:

  • Redthread - a charity that helps young people to break the cycle of violence in their lives

  • Groundwork - federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK

We encourage equality, diversity and inclusion right across our team. This includes religion, race, ethnic origin, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age and any other potential factor of difference. Our Board is responsible for recruitment and adheres to our policies when attracting and selecting candidates.

We ensure our business operates in an entirely non-discriminatory way.

Though we're not obliged to sign up to the Modern Slavery Act due to our company size, we follow its principle

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